14 January 2010

WAGs Unite for Charity in South Africa

Elen Rives will be joined by (genuine) WAGs Chantelle Tagoe, the fiancee of Aston Villa striker Emille Heskey (pictured below, left), and Ellie Darby (not pictured), the partner of West Ham's Matthew Upson. Amii Grove (pictured, below right), who used to date Jermaine Pennant, and Imogen Thomas (pictured below), who dated Jermaine Defoe, will also be taking part in the charity work to be filmed and shown by BBC3.

The ladies will be delving into such heavy topics as the orphan crisis, HIV pandemic and social breakdown in the nation which is holding the World Cup this year. The airing of the documentary has not been pinned down yet.

pictures via dailymail and google images

Link: WAGs Face Reality in South Africa - Press Association


  1. Isn't the point of charity to help someone other than yourself? These WAGS are bringing along camera crews which makes me ill. If you want to help people, just help them, don't turn it into a photo op / publicity stunt. Ick. Would they really be there doing anything if BBC weren't filming them? And Elen is no longer a wag and needs to disappear!!

  2. Rachelle - Watch the programme and then make your judgement. These girls went to South Africa ignorant. Now they are less so. So are people who maybe watched them for, initially, the wrong reason. I thought Ellie Darby was particularly impressive. Those poor people need all the help they can get and what makes you ill is of no concern to them or to anybody else, frankly. Have a little heart!
