13 May 2009

Philadelphia Names MLS Team and Colours

Philadelphia's MLS franchise released its name and colours yesterday in a ceremony held in City Hall's outdoor plaza.

The team will be called Philadelphia Union, which is a reference to the original 13 colonies (which are also represented in the thirteen stars within the crest), but I think it has more to do with a unity within the city and among its suburban neighbors. While I voted for "Philadelphia City" as the team name, I can appreciate the multiple meanings behind the Union. (Not a big fan of the snake though. Ick. It's apparently a reference to the "Don't Tread on Me" snake created by Ben Franklin. Whatever. Snakes are gross.)

With the colours of blue and gold, the team sought to represent the colors of George Washington's army. (I just noticed how similar the team's colours are to the theme of my blog. Weird, right? Or fate? Hmmm...) But this also refers to the team's supporter's group, The Sons of Ben. The group was easily seen and heard at the unveiling and enjoyed chants and singing before the proceedings began. As a member of the group, but one who lives an hour away and has a day job, I chose instead to watch the live stream on the MLS website. It was really exciting to see the enthusiasm from all parties present, including the Sons of Ben, city officials, and MLS officials.

Season tickets are available to purchase at the official team website and range from $275 to $1,100 for a 17-game package.

Dear Philadelphia Union,
Please (pretty please) hire me as a writer. I'm willing to relocate and work super duper, extra hard. I love football (obviously) and would be a dedicated servant to the Union, it's players and it's staff. I beg of you, please e-mail me.

Blair at MRWF

1 comment:

  1. as a New Yorker and a Red Bulls fan i'm super super excited for the Philly franchise and can't wait to see them play! i'm sure we'll have some kind of rivalry but i absolutely love the city of Philadelphia that i doubt i'll be able to hate. plus the Sons of Ben are great from those i've seen and the rest of read about! welcome Philadelphia Union!

    also i think their colors and crest are pretty awesome too!
