22 April 2009

Chelsea Post Match Celebration at Movida

Frank and JT were looking dappy and not overly tacky. Well done.

Joey changed from his schoolboy jumper to a more suitable shirt, while Essien chose to accessorize with a nice fedora.

Frank brought Saskia with him. She actually looks cute here (damnit) and her shoes are downright lustworthy (frick).

Franco di Santo and Didier were there as well. Michael unbutton a few more on that shirt would ya... please?

Kalou's date was not best pleased with the flower he bought her or that someone had shoved in her lap. No need to throw things love.

I wonder is JT's jeans had some sort of soft texture in them? His riding mate (Tel, who's a close mate of Frank's) got a nice rub of the thigh while hooking arms with the Chelsea captain.

Then Frank got in the cab and got a rub of JT's other thigh. Looks like JT was pretty sloshed. (Or maybe enjoying the thigh touching action a little too much. Awkward.)

pictures via dailymail, The Sun, and google images

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