05 January 2009

Bridgey Leaves The Bridge: Sad Day for Lip-Lovers

Yeah so maybe I was wrong about the rumors being rubbish, but a girl can dream right. Bridgey is one of my favorite players at Chelsea, which probably has more to do with him being English and having dashing good looks. But what I, and my best friend especially, will miss most from this handsome fellow are his beautiful pouty lips. Mine have now turned over into a frown and are trembling to hold back the tears.

You were a good lad for Chelsea and I promise not to boo you, not even in my head. When I see you on duty for England, you shall bring nothing but giddy cheers from my lips. I will miss you immensely Bridgey.

In a other Wayne news, the other English lads at Chelsea took Bridgey to Whiskey Mist to celebrate his departure. Some were better dressed than others. I’m assuming I don’t have to explain that reference. You all know who I speak of so disdainfully. (Yeah it’s the scary one who’s eyebrows are so over-plucked that she looks constantly surprised.)

pictures via jamd and kickette

Link: Bridge Move Completed

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