04 December 2008

Roy Keane Bids Farewell to Sunderland

roy keane quits

Keano said goodbye to Sunderland this morning after a dismal run of form that sees the club barreling towards relegation. The former manager does deserve a massive round of applause though for bringing the club back into the Premier League and keeping it there as the only club promoted last season to stay in the upper echelon. In his closing statement he was appreciative of Sunderland and its members:

"I would like to thank my staff, players, Niall Quinn and in particular the fans for their support during my time at Sunderland, and I would like to wish the club every success in the future."

Ricky Sbragia, the club’s first team coach, will act as interim manager, with the assistance of reserve-team coach Neil Bailey and senior player Dwight Yorke.

Sunderland’s next match is against Keano’s former club Manchester United. I’m wondering if his convenient departure is a matter of avoiding the embarrassment of getting walloped at Old Trafford. Awfully suspicious, no?

Link: Sunderland Manager Keane Quits Club

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