If you haven’t seen them already, England encountered a bit of rain yesterday in training. How misfortunate; except for the ladies that is. Those white shorts when moist become a bit translucent. Who would have known!? I’m thinking perhaps there is a woman behind this oversight, or maybe not-so-oversight. Either way, these should be worn whenever rain is predicted on the same day as training, it’s a new rule.
John Terry, David Beckham, Joe Cole, David Bentley and Steven Gerrard were sporting these translucent shorts and I think we can all agree that there was more to see than usual. The audio/visual effect is lovely as well.
Alas, there are still a few footballers hooked on the new spandex under shorts craze that’s sweeping the nation. Frank, rid yourself of those constricting undergarments pronto. You look ridiculous.

P.S. Congratulations John on getting the captain's armband for Wednesday evening!
Link: Sympathetic Capello Makes Terry England Captain